Graduation Requirements
Diploma Types
Al Salaam Academy offers two diploma types.
Advanced Studies Diploma
The Advanced Studies Diploma requires 26 units of credit as follows:
English 4 units
Foreign Language 3-4 units
3 units of one language or 2 units of two languages
Mathematics 4 units
Must include Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, and one course beyond Algebra 2
Science 3 units
Social Studies 4 units
Must include U.S. History and U.S. Government
Religion 1 unit
Fine Arts or STEM Electives 1 unit
Health, Wellness, and Physical Education 2 units
Electives 4 units
College Preparatory Diploma
The College Preparatory Diploma requires 23 units of credit as follows:
English 4 units
Foreign Language 2 units
Math 3 units
Must include Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2
Science 3 units
Social Studies 4 units
Must include US History and US Government
Religion 1 unit
Fine Arts or STEM Electives 1 unit
Health, Wellness, and Physical Education 2 units
Electives 3 units
Diploma Seals
Students achieving an Advanced Studies Diploma with a 3.0 cumulative GPA or higher will receive the Superintendent’s Seal on their diplomas.
Students achieving a College Preparatory Diploma with a 3.0 cumulative GPA or higher will receive the Scholar’s Seal on their diplomas.