ASA Team
At ASA, we endeavor to implement the prophetic method whenever possible. Our Prophet ﷺ was urged by God ﷻ to “consult with them (the Muslims) in matters.” We strive to follow this example and engage in mashwarah (consultation) with the educated members and intelligentsia of our community regularly. While many of those we consult prefer not to be named, and their reward is with God ﷻ alone, we would like to acknowledge a few honorable mentions here. These individuals are people with whom we maintain constant contact, consulting on various issues regarding the school. We beseech Allah ﷻ to bless them immensely, and we kindly request you to remember them in your prayers.

Educational Committee
Muhammad Jameel
General Education/Advisory Committee
Dr. Shah A Haque
Science/Advisory Committee
Safiyah Islam
Islamic Studies/Curriculum Committee
Umar Kabiruddin
Arabic/Islamic Studies

Advisory Committee
Abul Kashim
Chairperson - Fundraising Committee
Imam Faizul Khan
Nasreen Rahman
Syed Hassan
Syed Akhlad Rashidi
Shura Committee

Ameer of Shura
Syed Mufti Abdul Jaleel Hakeem