Asma Al Husna Campaign

99 Names, 99 Frames

Allah Ta’ala has many names, 99 of them are known to us, and we take inspiration, guidance, and comfort from them. Al Salaam Center is planning to frame each name of Allah ta’ala on the walls of the Musallah. We took this as an opportunity for anyone to dedicate a name of Allah for themselves or anyone else. Upon request, a copy of the dedicated frame will be given to the Donor (although the original will be hung at the masjid). Each name will be a pledge of $600 to the upkeep of the Musallah.

This contribution allows people to benefit from praying at a dedicated place of worship and taking part in various Islamic programs. Contributing for the maintaining of houses of worship is also a form of Sadaqatul-Jariyah (Reward that continues even after passing away). Any person who benefits from the Musallah in any way will generate reward for the Donor and whomever the donor had dedicated the contribution for.

Masjid: +1 (443) 593 5022

Imam: +1 (443) 657 0913

Please make sure to write what name of Allah you choose and who you are dedicating it to


Cashapp: $AlsalaamCenter

Mohid: please press button

If you would like to make a pledge or send us a check, please download this donation form.